GASRPOM-NEFTWelcome to the Our Business section, where you can find information on the following topics:
* The size and quality of Sibneft's reserve base and the scope of exploration work and reserve replacement (including a map of Sibneft's fields in Western Siberia).
* Oil production using state of the art technology and cutting edge reservoir management techniques.
* Sibneft's use of new technology in exploration and field development planning, and the use of oil field services companies at Noyabrskneftegas fields.
* The technologies employed by Sibneft in order to maintain the Omsk Refinery's advantage over its peers, including a detailed diagram on the refining process.
* Exports of crude oil and petroleum products.
* Petroleum product marketing, including the expansion of Sibneft's retail network in Western Siberia and European Russia, and efforts to boost sales of lubricants and petrochemical products.